
This article discusses the principles, methods and techniques of second language learning for adults. These three aspects need to be developed dynamically in the context of learning societies, both formally and informally. The discussion of the second language is closely related to the discussion of the first language. The difference between second language acquisition and first language acquisitionlies in the acquisition process. The first language is mastered through the process of acquisition while the second language is acquired through the learning process. Second language learning can be acquiredconsciously through formal and informal education. This is different from the acquisition of the first language which occurs unconsciously. Adults psychologically have the opportunity to master a second language through second language learning. The second language laerning for adult learners is not based on educator consideration, but is based on the interests of adult learners. The implication of adult education in practice is necessary understanding of how to teach adults, especially in the context of principle, method, and technique.


adult education, adult learners, second language learning.

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